The Bar40 Wellness Program

For Organizations, Associations, Small Businesses, and Corporations

Everyday, each of us, is the author of our own life story based on our choices, habits, and actions. At the same time, history is not destiny. Each morning brings a fresh page we get to write on to decide where the plot goes next. –Eric Bartosz


  • 52 week self guided program to reach peak potential and achieve life long goals
  • Diet modifications which result in you performing, looking and feeling your best
  • Customized weekly fitness goals
  • Habit formation and elimination strategies designed to remove obstacles blocking your progress
  • Self management techniques that bring clear daily successes
  • 52 week sober challenge
  • 365 day ‘ultimate year’ journal used as highly effective personal accountability tool

BAR40 is a unique methodology and approach that everyone can apply to their daily routines and elevate their life to the next level. BAR40 provides the framework that allows each of us to achieve our peak potential and become the best version of ourselves. The core components include diet enhancements and substitutions, a customized fitness program, goal setting, personal accountability strategies and habit formation.


Eric Bartosz is the founder of the BAR40 methodology and the author of the internationally acclaimed book and training journal: BAR40: Achieving Personal Excellence. Eric’s dynamic coaching and presentations are based on his 20+ years spent in the passionate pursuit of building the strategies to live a healthy lifestyle while making everyday count towards living a life without regrets.

Eric realized early on that for a plan to be sustainable and deliver perpetual results it needed to be individually tailored for and by each participant. Built on that core concept, the BAR40 approach is unique in that each person embarks on a self guided journey designed around individual goals and preferences. As an accomplished and respected executive for over two decades, Eric’s credentials add the element of career and business success to the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, resulting in an all inclusive playbook for living the ultimate life BAR40 is a 52-week program designed to provide the foundation and tools for creating new life changing habits in core areas such as mindset, diet and fitness.

Part of what makes BAR40 so uniquely effective is the combined body and mind approach in a self guided journey that begins with establishing goals and provides the resources that allow you to track your progress to completion in a daily journal. While BAR40 makes no claims of easy results with no effort, what it does deliver are fundamental improvements through commitment, dedication, and personal accountability.

These self mastery skills will have you performing at peak levels while looking and feeling your best. Most importantly, the changes and improvements that you create in your life over the next year will be your new lifestyle habits, allowing you to continue your course of personal excellence with a mindset permanently set to achieving more.


Turning One Day into Day One: Creating your plan to achieve peak potential…starting today “Vision without execution is hallucination” …wise words that apply to our own lives far too often! This 60 minute high energy and engaging presentation delivered with plenty of humorous personal anecdotes will leave the audience feeling motivated and ready to take charge in putting newly learned techniques into immediate practice in their life…as soon as possible, if not sooner!! Eric offers focused strategies on setting achievable but life changing goals, diet enhancements that result in you feeling and looking your best, planning for a custom and sustainable weekly fitness plan and personal accountability habits that deliver game changing results.

Eric’s message of establishing a mindset of daily success and slight but continuous improvements as a daily approach to all aspects of each day provides the audience with a crystal clear vision of what living their life at peak potential will look like and a renewed passion to start pursuing it, Eric will provide a clear path and the accompanying tools that will inspire the audience to stop procrastinating and start living the version of their life that will change their perspective on how they live each day make their future self proud.


Participant Feedback


★ “A total game changer” ~D.L.

★ “I wish I heard this 10 years ago” ~R.S.

★ “this should be taught in schools” ~T.B.

★ “Inspirational and pragmatic” ~L.S.

★ “transformative” ~B.L.

★ “A 360 degree program for a better life” ~R.A.



Open Forum Q&A

Following a keynote Eric can provide a highly interactive session to answer the audience's specific questions related to goal setting, personal accountability, time management techniques, weight loss, sleep improvement, custom fitness programs, diet enhancements and the BAR40 52 Week Sober Challenge.

BAR40 Boost Sessions


Working in the Workout

Strategies, techniques and solutions to build a custom workout plan designed around your preferences and schedule. Statistics tell the tale; new exercise plans have a very low survival rate and are often built to fail. BAR40 can help provide a solution that becomes part of your routine for the long haul.


Every Way, Every Day

This powerful presentation engages the audience with an analysis of our daily mindset and how we can begin making slight improvements throughout all our daily activities and interactions that bring about fundamental improvements in our health, career and relationships. Also explored is the concept of present self/future self and being the CEO of your life.

Good, Better, Best: Diet planning for humans who actually eat

Fact #1: The first popular diet plan was called the Banting and came out in 1863. Fact #2: In the last 157 years the weight loss industry has ballooned to $42 billion dollars and has disappointed countless participants in the endless stream of fad plans. In this presentation Eric takes the audience back to basics in building a strategic approach based on substitution and improvements of what you actually like to eat that will elevate your eating habits and provide the tools to achieve the desired outcome. The best diet plan is the one that works for you.


Team Building Retreats

Turn your next meeting into a transformational event that combines business with personal development.